Monday, 23 November 2009

On Friday 20th November, I went to Great Ormond Street Hospital to have my plug put in.
I went to sleep. When I woke up I had Hoola Hoops, Ribena, Maltesers and then sausage and chips. After that, we went home in the car.

On Saturday 21st November, we watched Enchanted. I loved the film. I didn’t feel too sore at all.

On Sunday 22nd NovemberI saw my friend Megan and Auntie Cat. We made a chocolate cake. It was yummy. I felt fine – just a little tired.

Today is Monday 23rd November. I am not at nursery. We went to the Royal Surrey Hospital. The nurses looked at my plaster. They were very nice. there is a really good play room and lots of rocking horses and pet fish. I saw the room where I will have chemo sometimes. It has a TV. I enjoyed climbing on and off the bed lots of times.

I hope that you have had a nice weekend too! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rowan

    Hope you are feeling okay. Orla and I loved seeing you on Friday.

    Here is Niamh's favourite joke:

    Knock knock
    [Who's there?]
    [Lucy who?]
    Lucy lastic makes your pants fall down!!


    Cathy xxx
