Sunday, 13 December 2009

Today is Sunday 12th December. I am feeling full of cheeky beans. I am being an angel in the church nativity play. So is Petra. Aidan is Joseph. He has got words to say. He doesn’t like saying the word ‘taxation’. Here we are at our rehearsal!
Me and Mummy had pyjama days together this week because Mummy was poorly. I felt ok.
Auntie Cat came to stay on Thursday night. She has bought me a new hat with a bobble on it. I like it a lot. I wore it to bed.
I had my chemo on Friday this week because daddy was in Durham doing his show on Thursday and Mummy was too poorly. We went to Hascombe ward at the Royal Surrey. There are dolphins on the floor and there is a fish tank. I had Ribena and Hoola Hoops.
Mummy went to hospital on Friday too because of her poorly head. My favourite joke at the moment is that ‘mummy has a brain tumour’. It makes me laugh a lot. It does not make Daddy laugh. Mummy keeps muttering about someone called Freud.
Yesterday was Saturday. We rehearsed for the nativity play. I saw my friend Megan. Then in the afternoon we went to Auntie’s house to give her a birthday present. I had a nice day. I felt fine and I ate lots of food. Bye bye!

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