Thursday, 24 December 2009


I have had lots of lovely presents.

Megan my friend came to my house. I love Megan. So did my cousins Ollie and Ellie. We played pass the parcel and I had a rabbit birthday cake that Auntie Jess made.

I did not feel very well at the beginning of the day because I had chemo yesterday. But I am feeling a bit better now and managed to eat a little bit of lunch.

Yesterday was Wednesday 23rd December. I went to Great Ormond street and saw nurse Lizzie. I had vincristine and carboplatin. I did not feel very well but the doctors have given me some new painkillers to stop my tummy, jaw and legs and feet aching in the middle of the night. Mummy and Daddy hope that this will work.

Meena who is the play person on safari ward gave me lots of lovely presents including a dancing flower. She also gave me presents for Aidan and Petra who spent the day with Auntie Jess and Uncle Antie.

We went to Auntie Jess and Uncle Antie's wedding on Saturday. Me and Petra were bridesmaids and Aidan was a page boy. I had a lovely time.


This is a picture of me and Auntie Jess at the wedding.

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