Today is Sunday 3rd January. Today I saw Megan and I feel quite well.
Over Christmas I was a bit poorly. I had lots of lovely presents but still felt poorly. We had christmas day lunch at bryonie and kieron's house. I stayed on the sofa. I stroked their rabbits. Later on mum took me to hascombe ward because i was getting too thirsty. I slept there for 3 nights so that the doctors could stop my tummy from hurting. I got a lovely present from the nurses. It is a toy that plays lots of songs and has a microphone.
On boxing day I watched a lot of cbeebies and had nice sleeps. Here is a picture of me asleep. I am now neutropenic. That means that I have to be very careful not to come into contact with any bugs otherwise I will be in hospital again because I don't have enough white blood cells.
I came out of hospital on 28th December, the day before mum's birthday. Mum was very happy about that because it meant she could go to the pub.
I had chemo again on New Years Eve. Mum and Dad keep giving me chocolate milk to drink. It has magic ingredients in that stop me feeling poorly.
Mum gave blood on New Years eve. It meant that she couldn't drink as much wine as she wanted to in the evening but she says that was probably a good thing.
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