Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Today is Tuesday 2nd February

Lots of things have happened since I last wrote in my blog.

On Sunday 24th Granny Penny came to see us.

I went to Great Ormond Street last Monday 25th January to check that my kidneys are working properly with the chemo. Mum and Dad had lots of chats with doctors there about me feeling poorly and getting rather skinny. I am going to have some power milkshakes to build me up. Mum and Dad were also told that although I had chicken pox when I was a few weeks old, I have no antibodies to the virus. This means that I can get chicken pox again. This could make me quite poorly.

On Tuesday Daddy, Petra and Aidan went to see Granny and Grandad in Durham because Daddy had work to do in Durham and we couldn't see them at Christmas. I stayed at home with mum. Mum found out that someone I was playing with at nursery last week had gone down with chicken pox. Mummy spent lots of time on the phone and at tea time I had to go to Hascombe ward at the Surrey hospital to have a special chicken pox antibodies injection called Zig. It hurt.

On Wednesday I had to have a blood transfusion to put the roses back in my cheeks and fill me up with cheeky beans again. I watched a dvd called snow buddies and the little mermaid. I also made a paper lantern.

On Thursday I had chemo at Surrey.

On Friday I still didn't feel up to much but we went around to Jo's house for lunch. We sat by the fire and I played with a robotic cat that meowed and rolled over to have it's tummy tickled.

On Saturday it was my best friend Megan's party. She is 4. I could not go but I am looking forward to seeing her on Wednesday. I love the present I got her. Daddy and Aidan and Petra came back from Durham late on Saturday. I missed them all alot.

On Sunday Auntie Cat came to see us. Daddy had to work. She took Aidan and Petra on a really long walk because I needed a rest. Mummy in a fit of madness used the time to prime all the kitchen cupboards ready to paint them! Ben, Daddy's friend came to see us too.

On Monday Mummy drove me to Great Ormond Street. Ben sat in the back of the car with me. We were very quiet. Mummy didn't swear quite so much this time but she did practice her emergency stop and we managed to get a parking ticket. I was meant to have lots of appointments at ophthalmology and audiology and an MRI but everything was cancelled in case I am about to break out in chicken pox spots.

Today I have felt quite tired but not too poorly. I went shopping with mummy and have eaten quite well.


Where do fairies go when they feel poorly?

The Elf centre.


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